11:00 am CDT - 11:50 am CDT
Learn about biomimicry-design influenced by nature- , design a robot bumblebee, and engineer a fun grabber! We’ll be working on the Brownies Robotics Badge 2: Designing Robots. In this workshop we will complete Steps 1 and 2. We’ll have another session soon to complete the remaining requirements.
Parents, below is a list of supplies you’ll need to collect. You’ll want to have your child measure and mark the cardboard for cutting. If you’d like a little materials engineering, have your child cut one piece with the lines of corrugation in the cardboard and one at a right angle to them. Which is stronger? Because cutting and measuring take more time, please do this step before the workshop.
A note, if you’re interested in doing badge 3, have your child do a video explaining the projects that she works on after the meeting. Share that video with other scouts and/or send it to LabSpace and we’ll start a special YouTube album so other scouts can get ideas from their work:)
Supplies and Prep:
Heavy recycled cardboard – 4 pieces 10 inches by 1.5 inches. Have your child measure and mark. Adults may need to cut.
Sharp Pencil or screw driver for poking holes
4 1.5 inch paper fasteners (the kind with legs you can pull apart)
3 or 4 rubber bands of different sizes
2 paint stirrers or rulers
Duct or making tape
String – about 2 feet
Sharp Pencil or screw driver for poking holes
4 1.5 inch paper fasteners (the kind with legs you can pull apart)
3 or 4 rubber bands of different sizes
2 paint stirrers or rulers
Duct or making tape
String – about 2 feet
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