Expired Junior Mechanical Engineering Badge 1: Paddle Boat Design

Tuition: $6

Build a fun paddle boat that you can play with in the tub or pool! We’ll use recyclables to build a cool boat powered by elastic potential energy as we explore the engineering design process.
Supplies needed: Duct tape, BBQ skewers or pencils or chopsticks or dowels, rubber bands, scissors
To make the paddle: flat plastic cut from a milk jug or other recyclable or a foam tray from vegetables or fruit, or popscicle sticks, or plastic spoons
Body of Boat: water bottle, plastic dish like those from deli meat, milk or juice carton.
Scholarships are available for financial need, just ask. Troop leaders, we’re happy to schedule a workshop just for your troop so they can have a shared experience.


  •  05/05/2021
     4:30 pm CDT - 5:15 pm CDT
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Venue Phone: 573 645 0800


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